Thursday 3 February 2011

Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Seignalet Diet

I recently received a Facebook message from a friend in Spain who is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.  She had been on medication including regular doses of painkillers, but had made a discovery which, in her own case, had enabled her to come off them within three weeks.

She had discovered the Seignalet Diet, so called after Jean Seignalet a doctor and professor from France.

The philosophy of this diet is that some foods have changed in their original protein structure due to modern farming methods. However, our digestive system has not and thus the proteins we eat may not be digested completely.  The theory is that the undigested protein alters the balance of the intestinal flora which in turn creates toxins that are absorbed and disturb the body balance.

The diet excludes certain food groups and as my friend readily admits the first two weeks were a bit tricky but the fact that her pain had reduced considerably made it worth sacrificing a cheese sandwich or two!

For more information visit

Following her message I checked out the website and saw a number of testimonials advocating the benefits of the diet. The idea that diet plays an important role in managing arthritis symptoms is not new. Two hundred years ago, doctors were prescribing cod liver oil to treat rheumatism and gout and there are many scientific studies that show the benefits of good nutrition in the battle against arthritis.

People with arthritis may often wonder which way to turn when deciding the best way to manage their symptoms. Scientific data may often seem conflicting as to what works and what doesn’t.

Here at the Arthritis Supermarket, we believe that it is the individual who is important and that if they find a treatment or therapy (alternative or conventional) that works for them, then all to the good.

If you have any comments about the Seignalet Diet or your own experience with it, please do post a comment.